It is easy to blame the next supply we were probably taught this in junior high. This world we have lived in is quite different because your Narc will NEVER BE ABLE TO LOVE!!!! That is just a fact so this next supply, this next victim, this next target is being tricked, lied to, cheated on and probably passed his STD’s. Your narc will dump them as horrifically as she dumped you. Pity the next supply because they are a victim soon.
I’m a survivor of Narcissistic abuse and my goal with this channel is to educate other “victims” as they transition to becoming a “survivor”. I believe that education is our best way to heal, and the best way to not become a victim or supply to another narcissist. These videos are a healing part of my personal journey and while no animals were hurt in the making of these videos these are representations of the two relationships I have had and discovering after 55 years that my mother was a narcissist.
Please note: I am not a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or coach so use this information as my own personal journey of healing and the information that has been shared with me by friends, other YouTubers, groups and community. This video is not intended to treat or diagnose any condition, if you believe you or a loved one is suffering from narcissistic abuse please use seek any help from your community. Check out for some resources available to you.