Misconceptions Around Forgiveness of a Narcissist with Clifford Edwards

Forgive the Narcissist WHAT! Do you know what s/he did? If you wonder why you aren’t healing? Are you ready to get back to yourself? But you are feeling like a shell of the person you were before. Moving on from patterns of the past and the old emotional way of doing thing is not something we taught when we were young. Negative judgement holding on to anger keeps the person attached to you. The key to forgiveness is letting go of the anger and hurt. Cliff Edwards the Author of The Forgiveness handbook explains the misconceptions around forgiveness. When you choose to not hold on to anger, hurt you free yourself. Learn how do you shift that emotional judgement and become empowered to find you again.

The link to the program Cliff created for you is: https://narcissistabusesupport.com/li…

watch our interview here

Are you ready to get free? You can have the healthy and trusting relationship you truly want. Moving on doesn't have to be so hard. Learn how to make it easier by increasing your awareness, trusting yourself and battling the PTSD demons that are haunting you.
Are you ready to get free? You can have the healthy and trusting relationship you truly want. Moving on doesn't have to be so hard. Learn how to make it easier by increasing your awareness, trusting yourself and battling the PTSD demons that are haunting you.

If you haven't forgiven someone, you are carrying a burden. - Clifford Edwards | Learn the misconception around forgiveness.
If you haven't forgiven someone, you are carrying a burden. - Clifford Edwards | Learn the misconception around forgiveness.

If you haven't forgiven then you have the burden of anger, resentment, blame, guilt or shame. - Clifford Edwards | Learn the misconceptions around forgiveness.
If you haven't forgiven then you have the burden of anger, resentment, blame, guilt or shame. - Clifford Edwards | Learn the misconceptions around forgiveness.

Forgiveness: When you forgive someone, you're not condoning their actions; you're simply releasing the negative feelings, meanings and judgements you made about yourself or the other person as a result of their actions. - Clifford Edwards
Forgiveness: When you forgive someone, you're not condoning their actions; you're simply releasing the negative feelings, meanings and judgements you made about yourself or the other person as a result of their actions. - Clifford Edwards

Forgiveness: If you haven't truly forgiven your narcissist then you carry the burden of pain, not them.
Forgiveness: If you haven't truly forgiven your narcissist then you carry the burden of pain, not them.