New State Law Seeks to Stop ‘Stalking by Way of the Courts’

If you are like me and you were additionally victimized by the legal system at the hands of a narcissist, then I think this news is going to change the face of that abusers are able to bring frivolous charges against victims.  A few weeks ago a new law was passed in Tennessee – The below article was posted in the New York Times on June 25th.

This law will protect us from ‘Stalking by way of the courts‘ (legal abuse)- while this is just in Tennessee it sets a precedence that your lawyer can draw on to possibly help your case. This law opens the door for all states to step up and introduce this law. I have already shown the actual law to my Colorado coalition against domestic violence and they are looking to draft a law and bring it before our house to possibly get passed. WOO WOO!



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On our resources page we have listed state by state the coalitions information – call them. get involved. It’s time to stand up and make a difference. Here is a link to the actual law – email it, print it, tweet it and get it to your coalition.

New State Law Seeks to Stop ‘Stalking by Way of the Courts’
By The Associated Press as printed in the New York Times – click here for full article

“NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Advocates for domestic violence victims are praising a new Tennessee law that seeks to stop a common tactic that batterers use after their victims have fled to safety: Filing frivolous lawsuits designed to bankrupt or inflict more harm on the people they already have abused.

Those who work with battered women say forcing victims to spend money on lawyers and fight multiple legal challenges is common. In fact, there’s even a term some advocates use for it: Stalking by way of the courts.

“I think it’s the least understood and most overlooked form of abuse that I know of,” said Amira Samuel, an advocate for survivors of domestic violence. Samuel is the compensation program director at FreeFrom, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit that helps victims across the country rebuild their lives financially.

There are state laws around the country aimed at stopping someone from using the legal system simply to inflict harm. However, It’s not clear if any other state has moved to protect such a narrow group of people.

The measure, signed by Republican Gov. Bill Haslam in May, only applies to ex-spouses, former romantic partners and family members. It would allow a judge to hold a hearing to determine whether someone has filed abusive civil lawsuits designed to “harass or maliciously injure” a victim by exhausting their economic resources or trying to force them to make financial or child-custody concessions… click here for full article from the New York Times