Healing after a Narcissistic Divorce – Tracy Malone Interviews Dr. Elizabeth Cohen

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Divorce to a narcissist is a game – they play to win, they play the games of smearing you, isolating your support system, they will lie and withhold everything that is asked of them. All this while attacking you for dumb and unimportant pieces. Today my Guest Dr. Elizabeth Cohen and I discuss how to heal after a narcissistic divorce. To learn more about Elizabeth visit her website – https://drelizabethcohen.com how do we heal when we are in PTSD? How do we find ourselves again? How do we let go of the fear that is crippling our every waking moment? Divorcing a narcissist is one of the hardest things you will ever do, your soul will feel as if it’s beaten down and hopeless. Life after divorcing a narcissist gives us so many opportunities to grow.

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