FREE PTSD Checklist Signup

When you have been abused by a narcissist, victims can develop PTSD or CPTSD. Sadly when we present to the doctor our symptoms – they often just treat the symptoms with pills – are you depressed… here ya go take this pill, can’t sleep… take this, anxiety take this pill. The symptoms of PTSD are easy to identify and what we must understand that these symptoms are normal and can’t be helped with a pill. Download this checklist and help yourself to begin to heal.

Some of the symptoms that present themselves are walking around in a fog, slowly moving replay of what happened, hyper-vigilant, fear and reliving the trauma. To heal it is important that you go deep into the memories and detach the emotional attachment to those memories.

Thank you for coming to get my PTSD checklist. When you put in your information below you will get to a page that also has the ‘Looking at Your Fears/Triggers Worksheets’. Everyone that signs up for this PTSD checklist will get the fear worksheets on the next page.

Fill out the form below and get started – DOWNLOAD your FREE ‘PTSD Checklist Worksheet’.

    I did an amazing interview with Therapist Dave Wyner where he explains everything you need to know about PTSD.

    Get his Free PTSD Booklet –
    Send him an email @
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