Treating the Symptoms of PTSD with Cannabis – What You Need to Know

As victims of abuse we very often end up with PTSD or CPTSD and the things you might be experiencing at – Traumatic shock – disbelief – betrayal – always on guard – hyper-vigilant – fear – anxiety and numbing pain – loss of interest and flashbacks and triggers.

Doctors are quick to dole out antidepressants – sleeping pills and pills for anxiety – but in many states now there are other options and I want to educate you on the power of CBD to help those symptoms without the side effects of drugs.

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I want to encourage people to learn more and remove the stigma that if you go into a pot store you are a pothead. CBD helps these symptoms

For more information look at these articles

The Connection between Marijuana Abuse and PTSD

Medical Marijuana For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Treating the symptoms of PTSD with cannabis - what you need to know